Friday, September 28, 2012

Week 39

I can't believe I've been at this for 39 weeks. Well, more like, I've been at this for 3 1/2 years, but who's counting? :) At mid-week, I had dropped another pound from my lowest last week, but then I was up a pound and a half the next day (due to some overindulgence in Taco Bell - yes, I still eat fast food from time to time!) I'm choosing to record my lowest weight, and if I'm up next week before my trip...well, at least I'm in the 190s. That's my goal for our trip to Brigintine next week. I'm not fooling myself into thinking I'm going to lose weight while I'm away, but I would like to stay around the 195/196 area if possible. I AM bringing some healthy snacks and breakfast items along with my running shoes, ipod and workout clothes. If I can get one or two runs in and maybe a circuit or two, I'll be a happy camper. That's a lofty goal, as I don't typically get much working out done on vacation, but we'll see!

Things went well this week. I skipped the gym Sunday, but made up for it with some healthy eating. I had my fitness evaluation on Tuesday and my body fat decreased again, though since there are multiple settings that say my body fat is two different percentages, I don't know what it actually is... I had a harder time with my run than last week. Maybe I need to start running twice a week? But when I hit my weight goal, I wanted to start doing other things...pilates, yoga, Zumba. And I have my trainer until January of next year, so I'll keep up working with him until then. I guess I just need to evaluate what my priorities for fitness are!

Have a great weekend all! Make good choices!

Weight- 191.8lbs
30 Min. Run- 2.57 (Little slip from 2.60, and I did some walking...)
Pounds from goal- 7.8lbs

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