Although, there may have been other factors at work keeping me unfocused.
I have been trying to relax in many ways recently, keeping the stresses of modern life at bay. The work and family and social balance is tougher now than ever, as fully connected individuals. I feel very sure of myself in a lot of ways, but still question 60% of my actions. Constantly. Dating has become a 24 hour a day dance around and with people who I am coming to enjoy greatly, but I am trying to even in that arena, relax and maintain my head.
What can I say? Chill was a good place to start. I think for today, tomorrow and the weekend, my mission is to maintain balance.
I have a lot of work to do, both for FD kinesis and for my own projects- those, too, being on the more personal side (gifts I'm making) and business related as well (freelance web and design work.) I also would like to make time to be active tonight and tomorrow and I know Sunday will bring much walking, which I love. I would like to ease off of the kickback into butter I had this week- absence makes the heart grow fonder, it's true! And I think my vegetable habit is one I might not have to break. I have also this growing arsenal of invitations to things- shows, concerts, comedy, brunches, classes, festivals....all for this weekend. I know I can't do it all. I know that much at 25. So I will have to be selective. And no more planning to make plans and being disappointed.
Can't keep the heart hanging on a string like that :)
I'm off to work some more, achieve some balance well.

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