Friday, September 28, 2012

Week 39

I can't believe I've been at this for 39 weeks. Well, more like, I've been at this for 3 1/2 years, but who's counting? :) At mid-week, I had dropped another pound from my lowest last week, but then I was up a pound and a half the next day (due to some overindulgence in Taco Bell - yes, I still eat fast food from time to time!) I'm choosing to record my lowest weight, and if I'm up next week before my trip...well, at least I'm in the 190s. That's my goal for our trip to Brigintine next week. I'm not fooling myself into thinking I'm going to lose weight while I'm away, but I would like to stay around the 195/196 area if possible. I AM bringing some healthy snacks and breakfast items along with my running shoes, ipod and workout clothes. If I can get one or two runs in and maybe a circuit or two, I'll be a happy camper. That's a lofty goal, as I don't typically get much working out done on vacation, but we'll see!

Things went well this week. I skipped the gym Sunday, but made up for it with some healthy eating. I had my fitness evaluation on Tuesday and my body fat decreased again, though since there are multiple settings that say my body fat is two different percentages, I don't know what it actually is... I had a harder time with my run than last week. Maybe I need to start running twice a week? But when I hit my weight goal, I wanted to start doing other things...pilates, yoga, Zumba. And I have my trainer until January of next year, so I'll keep up working with him until then. I guess I just need to evaluate what my priorities for fitness are!

Have a great weekend all! Make good choices!

Weight- 191.8lbs
30 Min. Run- 2.57 (Little slip from 2.60, and I did some walking...)
Pounds from goal- 7.8lbs

Friday, September 21, 2012

Week 38

Somehow, some way, the weight is finally coming off. I've lost another 2.5 pounds since last week and that included going WAY off track with french fries, fried fish, a blue cheese burger and an amazing and crazy filling Greek dinner last night. I think (aside from the fried food last Friday), I'm finally making an effort daily (or almost daily) to make great choices with food. And since I've put myself on a crazy budget for money, I'm eating out less and eating lunch out next to not at all. Because of this, I've been bringing super healthy salads with tuna or chicken and apples to snack on. And instead of drinking coffee with half and half out every morning, I'm drinking lots more tea again. Green tea, which is supposed to help promote weight loss!

Overall, life is going so great now that this weight loss is just an added bonus. I may even reach my goal before the end of the year!

A concern I talked to my dear friend Meredith about the other night was as I am reaching my goal (less than 9 pounds away now!), I am realizing that weighing 184 pounds, having a healthy BMI for the first time in my adult life...well, it doesn't mean that I am going to be magically happy with my body at 184 pounds. I might try to keep losing weight. I might come up with a new goal. I might not be happy with my body if I someday weigh 160 pounds! I can't IMAGINE that, but I can imagine that somethings on my body would still sag and be droopy and my thighs would still look too big when I sit down, and all that kind of stuff.

What I need to focus on is all the GOOD I do for my body and all the good it does for me. That's what's important to me right now. Not starving myself into reaching my goals, but eating for health and eating to sustain my energy and working out consistently to make sure my muscles and heart stay in good shape. Sculpting a new body and getting rid of that jiggly bit under my arms...well that's secondary. And the important thing I'm also trying to keep in mind- I can buy new clothes that fit my body better, and make me look great everyday even if I don't feel like I always look great naked :)

So to wrap for today, here are the stats:

Weight- 192.8lbs
30 Min. Run- 2.60 (steady and strong at 5.0 mph - no walking! AGAIN.)
Pounds from goal- 8.8lbs

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Life is kicking a good way.

I'm going a little crazy today. I don't know why. I'm just having trouble focusing. I guess you can't help that sometimes. Mostly, things are going really well. I really have very few complaints about my life, even though I bought a car without thinking and am living on a crazy budget all of a sudden. It's kind of an adventure...surviving without money. I'm digging it so far, but it's only been 2 weeks. Talk to me about it in 2 months.

My main goal is to keep putting money in savings and NOT rack up crazy credit card debt by doing so. If I can get to my bonus and tax return doing these two things (and that means making it past Atlantic City, DC, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas), I will be a champion in my own eyes.

Oh yeah, and while doing that, I'm trying to lose even more weight and take on a new role at my company while simultaneously doing the job I do now. Holy wow, it seems like I'm taking on a lot. I read on facebook the other day "If it scares you, you might want to think about doing it" or some such stuff. (That's not verbatim.) I believe that's what I'm doing with the second half of this year.

It's been a pretty awesome year with Dylan and reveling in all that being in love stuff, but I guess I was finally ready for new challenges, so I'm taking on the world. On top of the financial goals, the health goals and the work goals, I also want to volunteer! And organize my house, getting rid of things I don't need anymore. I'm supposed to tackle clothing tomorrow. I think it'll make getting dressed in the morning a lot easier if I'm not sifting through a million things to get to the clothes that fit and look good. It's the borderline stuff - the stuff you can pair with other things and have it look alright - that is going to be tough to deal with. I don't want to pare my wardrobe down so much that I only have a few outfits. But at the same time, if it doesn't fit, I've got to get rid of it and get a new one! Or get something else that's even better. Either way, I've got a lot of work ahead of me.

And maybe once all that money is saved up, and my credit card is free and clear, I can go on a little shopping spree and get myself some nice new clothes that fit well and are good quality. I'm thinking good stores + sales rack = the way to go.

Not even thinking of all the things I want to get for my house. I just wish Dylan was done with school sooner so we could start our dual income life. It's going to be a lot easier to afford things like vacuum cleaners and ironing boards and Dutch ovens, when I'm not the only one paying rent and utilities. I know it won't be perfect, and I know life will be an adjustment no matter what, but I'm really looking forward to building my life with him.

And of course, it has a hell of a lot more to do with waking up next to him each day and snuggling up to him each night than it does to do with splitting expenses. It's just a nice bonus, and I think once we're both working, we can have a really good life together. I'm excited for that day to come.

I have always had a hard time coming up with a 5 year plan, but I think I'm close to finally being able to come up with one! With work, my relationship, my goals...the stars are aligning, and I feel like the road in front of me is actually clearing up a little bit and I can see where it is that I'm going. That is, instead of just going day by day, week by week, and hoping I end up somewhere I want to be. Not that that hasn't worked out well for me these past few years! Nonetheless, I'm happy to say I'm in a good place, and working on making it even better. Here I go :)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Weeks 33 - 37?!!!!

Yes, it's been forever since I've posted and even longer since I posted about my fitness journey. The past month has been a lot of travel, a lot of partying and dining out with friends and because of that , a lot of eating. I did great at working out in August, but September has only seen ONE day at the gym so far. BAD RECORD. Luckily, I did some swimming over Labor Day Weekend, played tons on a  playground with some 5 year olds last Tuesday and walked a 5K on Saturday, so I haven't been completely without activity. I did however, just get a car, so I don't want to let myself get too lazy and drive to the train everyday! I will still be walking in the city and going to the gym everyday I can; I'm also looking to get another pair of running shoes and a sports bra to be able to run in the evenings at home in addition to working out at the gym. How's that for dedicated!?

Since I've been really trying to watch what I eat (with lots of splurges, of course), I've managed to lose another 1.5 pounds in the past month, down from 197 on August 10.

I had a ton of carbs tonight, but that run really took it out of me and even though I ate some turkey chili before coming home, I still felt ravenous. Here's hoping a dedicated rest of the week and a responsible weekend will earn me another pound down next week...closing in on the 10 pounds left mark!!!

Weight- 195.4lbs
30 Min. Run- 2.60 (steady and strong at 5.0 mph - no walking!)
Pounds from goal- 11.4lbs