Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Project Mission Inception: Day Zero.

I read today that a business should refine and review its mission every 28 days. Perhaps the world would benefit if people did this individually, too. I know most people don't have a mission statement. I know I don't. My mission changes everyday, maybe even every moment. Sometimes, my missions overlap. Sometimes, they are scattered and undefined and my main one is to get to my bed that night unharmed.

But really, I think this could be a good experiment - a daily one...maybe for a month. It could be that everyday, I define what I was weakest at that day and just try to become better at it tomorrow. It might be a back and forth of, "More Relaxed. More Patient. More proactive. More Relaxed. More Patient. More proactive. More Relaxed. More Patient. More proactive. More Relaxed. More Patient. More proactive." But we'll see. What do you think, cyberworld? I know you don't comment. But I think I might do it.

I think I must.

Tomorrow, I will be more................................................................................

Yup, that's the best I can come up with right now. I was on edge today. On a good edge for the most part, but on edge nonetheless. Here I go.


  1. Honestly, I think that the whole monthly thing is a better idea. It is very difficult to make a change in who you are/how you behave in just a day, and also doesn't give you a long enough time frame to concentrate on it and make it a part of who you are. For instance, today you'll be "chill" but then the next day focus on something else, and lose the "chill" if you will, because you didn't focus on it long enough for it to be ingrained in you. Just my, I sound serious.

  2. I agree with Rich. I've recently started to 'work on myself'-bettering myself in all of the ways I see fit...and I have come to the realization that you can't change over night. It takes some time, and like he said, if you try for a day to 'be chill', it's possible that the next day you could be focusing on being 'more proactive' and lose that 'chill' you worked so hard for the day before...Unless of course you're not necessarily looking to change yourself over time. It's quite possible, I guess, that you might just be trying to take things day by day and, for a day, want to be chill, and for a day, want to be proactive...
    I'm not sure which it is but I am sure of this: You'll do well, whichever you choose. =)

  3. I agree with both of you. I am not going to update this daily, but more keep a log as I go. You can read "day two" (day 3!) for the next bit, in which I resolve to keep the relaxing going on- an ongoing mission in itself- but also maintain my balance. I believe balancing will be a lifetime effort, but for today, it is a good place to start. Back to work :) Love you guys.

  4. Such a clever young lady, you are.
    Love you dearly!
