Friday, February 24, 2012

It's February and it's 55 degrees out.

"You weren't fucking with me then?
No! I was fucking with you now!
About what?

No tubing.

Mr. and Mrs. Yaak Samesh
4 goats, 6 cows, 7 horses

Thai chicken pizza & salad.



Week 8 - Didn't Happen

Well, week 8 happened, but I never posted! Here are my stats from week 8.

Weight- 213lbs
30 Min. Run- 2.47
Pounds from goal- 29lbs

Monday, February 20, 2012

Week 7 - a little late!

Hey all - I blew it last week and didn't post, so I'm sneaking one quick one in today before I get to the gym for week 8!

I did my first fitness test last week on Monday, and proceeded to get sick for the rest of the week! This lingering sinus infection will not die! I got heavy duty anti-biotics on Friday, and am hoping to kick it to the curb this week.

More to come later this week!

Weight- 213lbs
30 Min. Run- None!
Pounds from goal- 29lbs

Here are my stats from my fitness test:

Body fat: 31.8%
3 min step test: 2:00 (tired)/3:00
Upper body strength test: 45lbs/24 reps
Lower body strength test: 100lbs/40 reps
Muscular endurance: 4.5 speed/level 8 incline (8 minutes)

Friday, February 10, 2012

Week 6

Well hello again. I'll be keeping it short this week, but I have lots of fun news! Also, I am on a Greyhound bus to upstate NY right now and didn't get a chance to take my measurements. It will have to happen next week! Whee!

SO! Last week I signed up for PERSONAL TRAINING. One session + one fitness test (testing strength, endurance, weight and body fat) every month. It's not a lot but it is something to keep me on track with working out and I'm very excited. I met my trainer, Melvin, on Tuesday this week and he gave me an intense and amazing workout in just 25 minutes. I actually had to stop at the end and sit down. My muscles have a long way to go! But he gave me a list of 5 exercises to do whenever I work out - body squats, squat rows, planks, jumping jacks and sit ups. And he said I can stop by in a week or two, and he can bump me up to new exercises or higher reps! He's going to be my trainer even when I'm not paying him for a session! I was so happy :)

Anyhow, that was exciting. Last weekend was full of food, but I still managed to lose a pound by my weigh in on Wednesday. Hoping to keep myself in check this weekend. I've been using FitDay to help with tracking food and calories this week, and might stick with it for a while longer! We'll see!

Happy weekend all!

Weight- 212lbs
30 Min. Run- 2.42 Miles
Pounds from goal- 28lbs

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Week 5 - It's February!

Good afternoon!

The gym scale is working again, so I fit in my Wednesday weigh in. It's a balmy 64 degrees outside, so getting to the gym today was not a chore at all. I've got new strategy brewing for my workout routines and signed on yesterday to do twice monthly sessions with a giant muscled man named Artis at the gym, so I'm pretty excited. I've also decided to try some new things with my weekday dining (starting the day with yogurt and granola instead of cereal, doing a big bowl of soup at night instead of a sandwich). I hesitate to give up my somewhat free weekends, but I think I could work a bit more on portion control- a great way to cut calories and still eat what you'd like.

I was happy with the outcome on the scale even though it's only been 5 days since I last weighed in. Another reason I was happy was because this past weekend was spent eating and drinking my way through New York City! We walked a lot, which was great, but I don't think it made up for the 5 course dinner, 3 glasses of champagne, or hollandaise sauce that the weekend included.

This weekend will bring more great food in the form of pasta and bruschetta with friends Saturday night and a whole lotta Superbowl snacks on Sunday :) I'm super excited to cook and eat, but the portion control is going to be my saving grace when it comes to next week's weigh in.

I'll be doing my measurements next week as well...wish me luck!

Weight- 213lbs
30 Min. Run- 2.38 Miles
Pounds from goal- 29lbs